20 First Star Ratings For Fear Conquers All – “This is an extraordinary story, the very definition of fighting adversity and coming out the other side.”

So delighted with the response from those who have bought Fear Conquers All. Just need to hope it can gain some traction to really catch on now. If you haven’t already, please buy one, you’ll not regret it. Don’t take my word for it, listen to these 20 ratings plus see what media mogul Jonny Gould had to say (click here)…
Where do I start with Jonathan Fear? I’ve known this remarkable man for over 15 years – his story is now in print – the most extreme emotions around mortality, survival and sheer courage, all to a heightened desire to live. Buy @FearConquers All #avfc #fearconquersall #nofear
Colin Tait
5.0 out of 5 stars
Think your life’s tough? Try this one!
There are times in your life when you just can’t be bothered. I’ll start the diet tomorrow, you know the routine. Then there are times when life delivers a hard blow and circumstances change but with a bit of effort you get through it. But for some life deals a bad hand time and time again. You can either sink or you can choose to fight back despite the overwhelming odds.
This book is about such a fight and how Jonathan not only dealt with the misfortune but faced it full on. It’s a book that will inspire and challenge you to get off your butt and live your life. It even made an old cynic like me shed a few tears. No excuses. If the Fear can overcome challenges like these then we can all learn and improve our lives.
5.0 out of 5 stars
When you walk through hell, own it
The title is how it is as I read JF’s life story! JF has the same dry, dark, quirky humour I have. The way JF wrote it, is as if he is sitting in the same room with you telling you about his life. The story is alive
This is a very different life story to the thousands that are out there of true life. The reason it is different is because not only the life and the overcoming of challenges you read, you feel part of it too. I could and can resonate with the dark, the seeking, the pain and fightbacks. I think everyone can to a greater or lesser extent because everyone has a story to tell.
Perhaps because of my own story this is the case however I defy anyone reading this not to feel involved and part of JFs life and rooting for him.
JF has laid bare his soul and who he is. He has had the courage to be honest and vulnerable and his maverick nature shines through on how he deals with life
The read, is engrossing. I thought of the people within it too. I thought a lot about JFs mom, as a mom myself, and what it’s like watching your babies (which they always are) go through so much and you just want to take their suffering away. What it’s like to feel so helpless, full of pain and yet so proud of your baby.
However “easy” (note inverted ” “) your life has been, I expect everyone to feel fully involved in JFs life on reading this.
I was also tearful at times reading this story. Buy it, read it, you won’t regret it
“When you walk through hell, own it” yes ?
5.0 out of 5 stars
Remarkable and inspiring story. You never know what life will throw at you.
In today’s society we seem to want to look for inspiration from those rich and famous celebrities and …well….non celebrities.
But this is a story of a normal person who was hit with anything but normal challenges and this is what makes it such an extraordinary and inspiring story. No need for back stories of life in the jungle or in the bars and clubs of Essex or Chelsea this is just the story of a person that you could walk past every day of the week . And that’s why it’s such a good read. Funny and serious with some poetry to boot. And I will admit to claret and blue bias, but a good helping of Aston Villa made this a great holiday read. There are quite a few messages to take away from the story and are best read for yourself but I think anyone would take something, however large or small, away from reading the book and reflect on their own challenges.
I highly recommend.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Motivational – stop making excuses!
It took me 3 days to read this couldn’t put it down – utter respect to Jonathan hard to write about self but managed this with style. What a journey, emotional and motivational.
Please read!
Phil Wilson
5.0 out of 5 stars
Truly an inspiring read. I won’t be grumbling about my minor ailments for a while.
I bought this book on an impulse. Hoping it would last me through my holiday.
Sadly, it didn’t. I couldn’t put it down.
Inspirational words indeed. Well worth reading if you’ve ever had regrets, self-doubt or feel that life can be tough.
It can be, but this man has been there, succeeded and moved on to face every possible challenge.
Jenny Evans
5.0 out of 5 stars
Brave Jonathan
Incredible reading of a young who has gone through lots of problems and has come out on top.
Paul O’Doherty
5.0 out of 5 stars
Fantastic. Hard to put down once you start.
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars
Stunningly well written with really feeling
Picked this up at the weekend, struggling to put it down, so far its really good and really pulls you in, humour and drama really well written
BBJ, Dublin
5.0 out of 5 stars
Each Life That Touches Ours For Good
I must declare an interest here. Jonathan Fear and I are friends, having known each other for over ten years. It started because of our mutual attachment to Aston Villa. But then I came to realise that here was a multi-faceted person, wise beyond his years and with a disposition to be kind and considerate towards others.
I thought I knew him reasonably well and was aware that he’d had “health issues”.
Health issues!!?!
This man has endured enough suffering for a dozen lifetimes.
So this book gives us a fuller (though I suspect, incomplete) picture of the life and times of Jonathan Fear. It is a very personal account. It has a great sense of authenticity. It is deceptively easy to read. There is no self-pity. Any emotion is reserved not for his own situation but for those he cares for most in the world.
Considering the seriousness of parts of the story, it is regularly whimsical and hilarious. Jonathan takes life seriously – he, more than most people, realises what a precious gift it is – but he refuses to extend that to himself. And, although I suspect he might disagree with me, he comes across as having quite spiritual depths.
All in all, it’s very inspirational and I came away with “a nice taste in my mouth” at a good life still being very well lived.
It’s well worth buying for yourself – and in a few months time, a few copies for stocking fillers would be an excellent idea!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Just do yourself a favour and order now
You think Jonathan can’t endure any more, you think he can’t best that last chapter – and then he does. An absolutely heroic account of how this man refused to be quashed by adversity. All told with the most wonderful, self-deprecating humour. You’ll laugh and cry and never cease to be amazed. His courage and drive and determination are awesome. (Being, as I am, a weak and impressionable woman, I also drooled over the photos. Jonathan is one hot guy!)
Ben Natrins
5.0 out of 5 stars
Get up, get out, live is a mantra we should all adopt.
This is an extraordinary story, the very definition of fighting adversity and coming out the other side, battle-scarred but victorious. It is thought-provoking, emotional and inspiring in equal measure.
A hugely engaging read detailing Jonathan’s battle from the deepest depths imaginable to remarkable successes. It certainly made me question areas of my own outlook on life. To constantly put others before yourself, despite the blows which kept on coming, should be a lesson to us all.
His positive mental attitude was a key takeaway from the story, and I would urge you to take on board the message from this inspirational read. Get up, get out, live is a mantra we should all adopt. In the words of Chumbawamba – “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never going to keep me down …”
Kate Essex
5.0 out of 5 stars
Although I’ve met Jonathan a few times (he lives opposite my brother) never once did I know or realise the pain he has to endure. Having read his book I am humbled and have been given a new outlook on life. Jonathan is a legend, he is courageous and his poetry is beautiful. I can only say “thank you Jonathan for writing a truly inspirational book”. I will treasure this book and will re-read it to keep inspired.
John G
5.0 out of 5 stars
Never Give Up.
This book is a must for anyone who may be going through a “rough patch.” Inspiring, funny and at times tear-jerking, you can’t help but be drawn in by “The Fear’s” story. His never say die attitude to life is astonishing given the things he has gone through and his story is an uplifting lesson to anyone feeling beaten up by the cards life can deal. Top read!
5.0 out of 5 stars
He got knocked down, but he got up again…and again… and again..
Very inspirational book by a man who nobody would have blamed for giving up and taking the easy way out after a series of serious setbacks. Proof if any were needed that no matter what life throws at us it’s important to roll with the punches and keep setting new challenges.
Great and compelling read. High recommended.
Mr. Alan Nicholls
5.0 out of 5 stars
Opened up his heart to tell his personal story …
As a fellow Villa fan and someone who has fortunately got to know Jonathan over recent years this book purchase was a must.
A fascinating story of just a normal good guy and his struggle with severe health issues and has come out the other side!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Just awesome.
The books that stay with me are the ones I can’t put down once I start them. This is just such a book. Read it in less than three days. What an inspiration to us all. Buy it, read, then get off your backsides and do something.
Awesome Mr Fear.
Mark Price
5.0 out of 5 stars
Very inspirational read.
Life deals us all bad hands at times but when you consider the situations that others go through it can make you think twice about just how bad your day, week, month or year you are having/have had really is/was!!
Inspirational read and it has made me consider my views and has been a kick up the backside!!
Mrs S.
5.0 out of 5 stars
An inspirational read. The recurring theme to me is whatever challenge was set whether it’s taking on death or climbing mountains or running a business or taking on a powerful owner of a football club the sheer will to succeed and overcome the challenges presented shows just what can be achieved.
5.0 out of 5 stars
An Inspiration!
This man is a true inspiration.
I have suffered from mental health illness for over half my life. Reading through Jonathan’s story has inspired me to start fighting back, and facing the fear (no pun intended!).
Thank you to a great person for writing this book and I hope it inspires other like it has done, and continues to do, for me.
5.0 out of 5 stars
This is a truly inspirational book and a brilliant read. I couldn’t put it down. I read the whole thing in 4 days. What this man has been through and how he fought back gives hope to everyone who finds life tough going at times. Do yourself a favour, read this book.
How to buy it: https://thefear.net/how-to-buy-fear-conquers-all/
Dan Rolinson Caught Up With Fear, The AVFC Fan With An Incredible – & Inspirational – Back Story