If You Don’t Challenge Yourself, How Do You Know You Are Truly Alive?

Time for a blog I think!

I’ve set up thefear.net to promote my book, Fear Conquers All, and to blog about some of what I’ve written, and to add what is going on since the end of the book. Hopefully someone, somewhere, will find it interesting!

In Chapter Fourteen, I write about buying a bungalow that needed totally refurbishing. My health wasn’t really up to it, I was still pretty ill from the after-effects of the brain op, however, it was one of the best things I’ve done mentally. I couldn’t rebuild myself at the time, so I ‘re-built’ a bungalow for an adventure instead.

My favourite quote from the chapter is, at the time, the bungalow: “represented my ‘Everest’ and, if I could do this, I could do anything.”

I believe in life you’ve just got to challenge yourself. Do something you fear or that is difficult, give yourself a kick up the backside and see where those adventures take you. You can sleep walk through life or you can challenge yourself.  If you don’t challenge yourself, how do you know you are truly alive?

And that, in a nutshell, is ‘IT‘.

I’ve gone through a pretty poor health period during the first five months of this year, but as soon as it lifted, I was back in my gym. I could have just sat there the rest of the year moaning at another ‘wasted’ five months, but instead, I’m again off my backside and doing something. I had wished the health be this ‘good’ during my 50th, spent in Barcelona, but hey ho, as the Rolling Stones often tell me, you can’t always get what you want!

I love the saying: ‘I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome.’  You can at least try to make a difference can’t you?  I would rather try and fail, than not try at all.

That’s the spirit youngster!!

The whole thing in life is that it won’t always be easy, but you make of it what you can. I’m lucky to be alive, I have to remember that when I’m in a poor health period, there are plenty who haven’t been as lucky.

Life might not always be what you planned, but you can still stand up and make the best of it.

Get up. Get out. Live!

One review of the book, from my football website says:

I read a lot of books. I know in the first few pages if it suits my preferred style and will keep my interest. Sometimes I get engrossed and everything else takes a back seat until I get to the end. 24 hours after downloading this I’ve just finished. And I had to sleep, walk the dog and go to Manchester in between.

Wow. Impressed ain’t the word. Awesome job Fear.

Chuffed it is going down so well. Hopefully, you’ll buy one and even more hopefully, benefit from it.

How to buy the book: https://thefear.net/how-to-buy-fear-conquers-all/

Go on, you know you want to! Even if you don’t want to, get one anyway!


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